1. Parsha Summary – Parshat Breishit 

(Genesis 1:1- Genesis 6:8 link to Sefaria here)

Creation of the Universe: Ranging from the sun and planets to sea creatures, and human beings 

The Adam and Eve narrative:  Adam is told to not eat from the tree of knowledge. But when the snake manipulates Eve into eating it, eventually Adam does also – causing all three to receive punishments and curses 

The Cain and Abel narrative: Adam and Eve’s children offer sacrifices to God. But when Abel’s is accepted while Cain’s is not, it leads Cain to murder his brother. Cain is punished and cursed. 

The Development of Humanity: The parsha continues with a long genealogy list then a report that humanity has been doing evil and that god regrets having made them. The parsha ends with the birth of Noah, the prophet who will be eventually responsible for the continuity of humanity following the flood in next week’s parsha. 


2. Story context –  The 7 Days of Creation

(Genesis 1:1-31, link to Sefaria here)

Section 1 – Breishit 1:1-5 First Day of Creation: Light

Section 2 – Breishit 1:6-8 Second Day of Creation: Heavens and Oceans

Section 3 – Breishit 1:9-13 Third Day of Creation: Land

Section 4 – Breishit 1:14-19 Fourth Day of Creation: Outer Space

Section 5 - Bereishit 1: 20-23 Fifth day of Creation: Fish and Birds

Section 6 - Bereishit 1: 24-31 Sixth day of creation: Land animals and humans


4. Discussion Questions

The text leaves these points ambiguous; in making their art, the the artist takes their liberty in imagining the answers to these questions:

1. How: The verses do not mention an altar. How did the brothers give up their sacrifices to God? 

2. Why: Why did God accept Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s? 

3. Private or together: Did each brother realize whose sacrifice was accepted/rejected? 

4. Age: How old were the brothers? 

5. The murder: How did Cain murder Abel?

4. Discussion Questions

Ideas to ponder as you read through this story:

1. Is there Hierarchy?: Do the days of creation build on top of eachother, or are each distinct and equally important? 

2. Titles are Powerful: Consider the word choice of these titles. Can you name a few ironies or intriguing features of each of them?

3. Tone: What message is the artist trying to convey? Do you see any stylistic choices by the artists to hammer in these points?

4. Look for the Details: What are details that you see in these paintings that strike you? Explain them literally, then attempt to understand the purpose of it. An example: In The Creation of Adam, the blue background is parallel to the angle of Adam’s body. Why do you think this is?

(1) The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel, Julius Schnorr

(1) The Creation of Adam, Michaelangelo

(2) Cain and Abel, Salerno Cathedral

(2) The Garden of Earthly Delights, Hieronymus Bosch

Parshat Bereishit פרשת בראשית

Piece Description, “Creation”

My focus for this painting is the Parsha Bereshit, creation, and the importance of Shabbat. On each of the 7 days of creation God created the different components of our universe. Day one God created light and darkness. Day two He created the sky and water. Day three He created dry land and plants. Day four He created the sun, moon, and stars. Day five He created fish, water animals, and birds. Day six He created land animals and humans. Day seven He created Shabbat. I created my painting using acrylic paint and clay on canvas. I also represented my piece as a timeline. At the far right of my painting I displayed some of the modern day world’s distractions to contrast with the beauty of Shabbat. Shabbat is a day of rest and of being thankful to God for all that He created for us. Shabbat is very important to me because I don't go to a Jewish school. Celebrating Shabbat every Saturday makes me appreciate Judaism, helps me to keep myself engaged in my religion, and gives me a day to fully appreciate the world around me.

1. Parsha Summary – Parshat Breishit 

(Genesis 1:1- Genesis 6:8 link to Sefaria here)

Creation of the Universe: Ranging from the sun and planets to sea creatures, and human beings 

The Adam and Eve narrative:  Adam is told to not eat from the tree of knowledge. But when the snake manipulates Eve into eating it, eventually Adam does also – causing all three to receive punishments and curses. 

The Cain and Abel narrative: Adam and Eve’s children offer sacrifices to God. But when Abel’s is accepted while Cain’s is not, it leads Cain to murder his brother. Cain is punished and cursed. 

The Development of Humanity: The parsha continues with a long genealogy list then a report that humanity has been doing evil and that god regrets having made them. The parsha ends with the birth of Noah, the prophet who will be eventually responsible for the continuity of humanity following the flood in next week’s parsha. 


2. Story context –  The Cain and Abel Narrative

(Genesis 4:1-16, link to Sefaria here)

Section 1 – Breishit 4:1-2 the birth of Cain and Abel

Section 2 – Breishit 4:3-5 Cain and Abel give sacrifices, 

Section 3 – Breishit 4:6-7 G-d motivates Cain to do better

Section 4 – Breishit 4:8-16 Cain kills Abel, God’s punishment 


AlHaTorah interpretation, link here


Student: Naomi Davis and Mentor: Ellen Holtzblatt


Learn more about Naomi Davis here

Learn more about Ellen Holtzblatt here


SELA Noach נח


SELA Bereishit בראשית